Antje Schulz

Renaissance of Impressionist Photography

Discover mystical landscapes and sensual dream worlds of gentle beauty. Experience the intensity of impressionistic photography, redefined – mysterious, vibrant and atmospheric. Experimental photography by Antje Schulz, showing the ordinary in an extraordinary way and exploring new paths. Let yourself be enchanted by the play of light, shapes and colors.



All pictures you can see, are original photographys:

Tags :  Antje Schulz – Impressionistische Fotografie – Impressionismus – Fotograf – Malerei- – Lichtmalerei- abstrakte Fotografie – Impressionistic Photography – Impressionism – Photographer – abstract photograph – abstract – art photography – art photography – Photo Art – Photography – Impressionistic Art – impressionist photography – long expursoe – landscape – impressionistic – paintings – abstract long-exposure photos  – abstract photography – macro . images – contact subject photography